Solving the Frustrating “UnmodifiableUint8ListView not found” Error in Flutter for Windows
Image by Rhian -

Solving the Frustrating “UnmodifiableUint8ListView not found” Error in Flutter for Windows

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Are you tired of encountering the “Error during compilation of a Flutter app for Windows: Type ‘UnmodifiableUint8ListView’ not found” error? You’re not alone! This pesky error has been causing headaches for many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of resolving this issue and getting your Flutter app up and running on Windows.

What Causes the “UnmodifiableUint8ListView not found” Error?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand what’s causing this error in the first place. The “UnmodifiableUint8ListView not found” error typically occurs when there’s a mismatch between the versions of the `dart:typed_data` library and the `flutter` package in your project. This mismatch can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Outdated dependencies in your `pubspec.yaml` file
  • Incompatible versions of Flutter and its dependencies
  • Corrupted cache or dependencies
  • Misconfigured environment variables

Step 1: Update Your Dependencies

To resolve the error, let’s start by updating your dependencies to the latest versions. Open your `pubspec.yaml` file and update the `sdk` and `flutter` versions to the latest stable releases:

  sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"
  flutter: 2.3.0

Next, run the following command in your terminal to update your dependencies:

flutter pub get

Step 2: Clean and Rebuild Your Project

Sometimes, a simple clean and rebuild of your project can resolve the issue. Run the following commands in your terminal:

flutter clean
flutter pub get
flutter build windows

This will remove any temporary files, fetch the latest dependencies, and rebuild your project for Windows.

Step 3: Check for Incompatible Dependencies

If the above steps don't resolve the issue, it's possible that one or more of your dependencies are incompatible with the latest versions of Flutter and its dependencies. Check your `pubspec.yaml` file for any dependencies that might be causing the issue.

Here are some common culprits:

  • sqlite: "^2.4.0"
  • path_provider: "^2.0.1"
  • flutter_ffmpeg: "^0.4.2"

Try updating these dependencies to their latest versions or removing them altogether if they're not essential to your project.

Step 4: Check Your Environment Variables

Environment variables can sometimes cause issues with your Flutter project. Check that your `PUB_HOSTED_URL` and `FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL` environment variables are set correctly:

Environment Variable Value

If you're not sure how to set environment variables, you can refer to the official Flutter documentation.

Step 5: Try a Fresh Flutter Project

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, try creating a fresh Flutter project and see if the error persists. This will help you determine if the issue is specific to your project or a more general problem with your Flutter setup.

Run the following command to create a new Flutter project:

flutter create my_app

Then, navigate to the project directory and try building it for Windows:

cd my_app
flutter build windows

If the error persists, it's likely a problem with your Flutter setup. You can try reinstalling Flutter or seeking help from the Flutter community.


The "Error during compilation of a Flutter app for Windows: Type 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' not found" error can be frustrating, but it's often a simple issue to resolve. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to resolve the error and get your Flutter app up and running on Windows.

Remember to stay calm, be patient, and don't hesitate to seek help if you're stuck. Happy coding!

Additional Resources

If you're still struggling to resolve the issue, here are some additional resources that might help:

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you resolve the "UnmodifiableUint8ListView not found" error and get your Flutter app up and running on Windows. If you have any further questions or need additional help, don't hesitate to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the infamous "Error during compilation of a Flutter app for Windows: Type 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' not found" issue? Worry not, friend! We've got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

Q1: What is the 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' error, and why does it occur?

The 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' error typically occurs when there's a mismatch between the versions of Flutter and the Windows plugin used in your project. This error can be triggered when you upgrade Flutter but forget to update the Windows plugin or vice versa. The error message is misleading, as it's not actually about the 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' type being missing, but rather a symptom of a deeper versioning issue.

Q2: How do I fix the 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' error in my Flutter project?

To resolve this error, ensure that your Flutter and Windows plugin versions are compatible. Update your `flutter windows` command to the latest version, and then run `flutter pub get` to retrieve the latest dependencies. You can also try cleaning and re-building your project by running `flutter clean` and then `flutter build windows`. If the issue persists, consider reverting to a previous version of Flutter or the Windows plugin.

Q3: What if I've already updated Flutter and the Windows plugin, but the error still persists?

In this case, try deleting the `.pub-cache` directory and then running `flutter pub get` to re-fetch the dependencies. You can also try deleting the `windows` directory and re-running `flutter create .` to re-initialize the Windows plugin. If you're still stuck, try cleaning and re-building your project as mentioned earlier.

Q4: Can I ignore this error and still build my Flutter app for Windows?

While it's technically possible to ignore the error, it's not recommended. The 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' error indicates a deeper issue with your project's dependencies, which can lead to unstable or broken builds. It's essential to resolve the error to ensure your app functions correctly and doesn't crash unexpectedly.

Q5: Where can I find more resources to troubleshoot the 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' error?

For more assistance, you can check out the official Flutter documentation, Flutter GitHub issues, and Stack Overflow. You can also search for online forums and communities dedicated to Flutter development, where you'll often find helpful discussions and solutions from fellow developers who've encountered similar issues.